Keeping your attention in the present moment could be one of the most useful skills you ever acquire. But this can be a very difficult assignment in the age we are living in, with so many voices and distractions bombarding our thoughts daily. However, at present, with most of the globe living in isolation, it could be the perfect time to acquire and practice this skill.
Living in the moment will help you stay focused on what is really important … It will help you spend your time more wisely and point out which habits you need to unlearn. By changing your focus and thoughts, you can acquire new and better habits to live a truly successful life in every aspect.
“a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience.”
-- Psychology Today Magazine
In practical terms, it means that you focus your attention on the task at hand, in that moment – whether you are getting dressed, having a conversation or eating lunch. It implies that you do not dwell on the past or is anxious or worried about the future. But you savour every moment for what it is, and you live where life is happening! The benefits of present moment living are numerous and will affect almost every aspect of life:
- Health Benefits: Living in the moment reduces stress, which in turn, helps your immune system function better and protect you against illness. Blood pressure is lowered, which reduces your risk of heart disease.
- Emotional benefits - When focused on the here and now, without your mind wondering to past regrets, or future worries, you find that negativity is reduced or erased. Once you become aware of an uncomfortable feeling/thought, it is very easy to figure out what is bothering you. Selfconsciousness disappears and your self-esteem is higher when focused on the present moment.
- Relationship benefits - Living in the moment rewards not only you, but also those around you, as you are engaged with them and this promotes open and honest relationships. Being in the moment with every person you are in contact with, demonstrates that you respect them and value them – and living in this way, definitely benefits any relationship greatly.
Practical ideas to help you live in the moment (Adapted from the work of Joshua Becker and Leo Babauta).
- Notice sensory details about everyday tasks – Learning to live in the moment is easier when you make it part of your daily routine. Use everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning or gardening to practice focusing on the task at hand. Don’t allow your mind to wonder to past conversations or things to accomplish in future – stay in the moment. When washing dishes, for example, focus on the smell of the detergent, the warm water and the sensation of bubbles on your hands.
- Stop your worries – You will not change the future by worrying about it. And you cannot fully appreciate today if you worry too much about tomorrow. So, keep your focus on the present moment, direct your thoughts to the here and now and focus on what you are doing right now.
- Practice breathing – A very easy way of becoming more aware of the present moment and an exercise you can do anywhere, is to breathe deeply and focus on your breathing. A general guideline is to sit or stand quietly and take 15 deep breaths while focusing on breathing alone. This will reduce stress and help you to focus on the present.
- Simplify your life and get rid of unneeded possessions – Minimalism forces you to live in the present. Without clutter filling your cupboards and rooms, and demanding attention in the form of maintenance or cleaning, you will have more energy to focus on what is happening right now and to live in the moment.
- Let go of the past and forgive – Do not allow unforgiveness or bitterness to take root in your life. Choose to forgive past hurts and let go of resentment. In this way you will travel lighter and have the capacity to choose to live in the moment. If you harbour resentment, it will keep you trapped
- Do less and put space between tasks – When there is less on your “to do” list, you can do those things more slowly, more completely and with more concentration. It IS possible to do less. Use this time to determine what is important and underlines your personal values. Focus on those tasks and let go of the rest. Manage your schedule well and leave space between tasks. In this way you will have a more relaxed schedule, with time to complete each task well and additional space for tasks that takes longer to complete.
The worst part of not living in the moment is that you give up your personal power and forfeit experiencing your LIFE!
It is possible to change old habits and live fully aware and fully accepting of what is.
At first, it is a constant choice to make, but as you cultivate the habit of living in the moment, it will become a way of life, and you will experience one of the greatest benefits of living in the moment – acceptance.
Living in the moment will lead you to be more accepting – of yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, your circumstances and those living around you.
“Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the Present.”
--Bill Keane